Read What Others are Saying About Career Quest
2011, Thomas E Frey, Citizen Access Residential, Olympia, WA'...Thanks Laurie,
We are also very excited about the vocational opportunities that clients have been obtaining. We took a poll on Monday during our managers meeting and came up with 13 clients gainfully employed out of 42. With four clients still in school that raises the number of working/school participants to above 40%. This is the highest success rate we’ve seen since our agency began services 8 years ago. We also have a number of other clients who are in the process of job development currently.
I think this is great progress and I'm pleased to have our team play a small part in the process.
Thanks to Career Quest, Thanks to the County, and Thanks to our DD CRM's for bringing these opportunities!
I believe Greg's words upon finding he had obtained employment were
"This has touched my heart deeply to have this job."
You are accomplishing good things in an increasingly tight job market. I'm amazed. I think it is important that we all spread the news.
Thanks Again!...'
Larry Keller, Facilities & Transportation Manager, Washington State Department of Ecology'...It is a pleasure providing A+ rating for Career Quest and its staff. Service with a smile and outstanding provision of services is always provided. The care they provide my employee Ben is amazing!...'
Karlene Ziebell, Administrative Manager, Interior Wood Products'...It has worked out very well for us to have Michael here. His job coach has been an excellent bridge between our needs as the employer & Michael's need to work. We like the arrangement very much!...'
Gloria, parent'...How wonderful it’s been working with you. You’ve always been supportive, caring and extremely helpful...'
Lorraine, Manager'...Your company & the job coach have been outstanding! Supported employment is very beneficial to everyone!...'
Erik, client'...It's great. I had to prove to myself I could work...'
Jennifer, Owner'...It’s been a pleasure having Greg here ... He's very efficient...'
Elaine, Manager'...Your staff representative has always presented herself as a professional...'
Aolani, parent'...The (CQ) job coach does an excellent job & is by far the best job coach Gary has ever had. If only she could be cloned J...'
Beverly, parent'...The coach has done a wonderful job for us & for Kevin. I would like to thank her & Career Quest for doing a fabulous job...'
Robert Bousetti, Oddfellows Cemetery'...This has worked out well. Good communication....'