(Adam's contribution is important at the warehouse)
Larry Keller, Facilities & Transportation Manager,“...It is a pleasure providing A+ rating for Career Quest and its staff. Service with a smile and outstanding provision of services is always provided. The care they provide my employee Ben is amazing!...”
Washington State Department of Ecology
CARF (accreditation)
The CARF Survey Report“...Career Quest’s greatest strengths are in its ability to create accessibility to employment. Placement outcomes are exceptional despite numerous barriers indigenous to the location, lack of jobs and transportation challenges...”
(Janelle sanitizes toys at the Preschool)
(Greg cleans pool tables & equipment)
(Don started at McDonalds & because he developed excellent work experience he now works for the State of WA.)
A Few Words About Us
Career Quest is dedicated to providing quality services to our clientele; both individuals with challenges & employers.
Our mission statement clarifies our intent to provide quality services with dignity and respect.
Our vision is to:
- Provide/promote equal opportunity to a population traditionally excluded from competitive employment; the right to work, contribute and participate.
- And, to work in partnership with employers to match individual strengths to meet their needs by providing and promoting quality supports.
Unique to Career Quest, the founding co-owners/business partners Laurie Geraci and Deyla Schneider work closely with our staff providing case management over-sight and direction. This provides perspective and insight based on years of experience which promotes an effective team approach.
CQ Staff
Career Quest staff are screened and selected based on the needs of Career Quest reflective of our strategic planning and client needs. Employees successfully complete a thorough background screening.
We strive to provide a diverse range of expertise, experience and talents to best match individual and employer needs, and promote choice for our clientele while meeting high standards of excellence. Criteria considered may include:
- Knowledge of disabilities and/or experience with individuals with disabilities
- Life experiences, background, cultural sensitivity
- Personal work history - which enhances one’s ability to work within, evaluate and/or provide valuable consultation to a variety of businesses
- Marketing/sales experience
- Relevant education & training
Career Quest staff participate in mandated and continuous intensive trainings, including: Systematic Instruction, Employment preparation/vocational exploration, Positive Behavior Support and Individual employment planning, Discovery, Diversity/Disability trainings, Job development, Supported Employment, Customized Employment, Job Coaching, Autism, Benefits Planning, Mental Health, Social Security, etc.
This also includes staff trainings with WISE/Ellensburg Employment Conference, National Autism Society Conference, Division of Developmental Disabilities and Department of Vocational Rehabilitation training.
As a successful business, the Career Quest leadership understand first hand the challenges of running a business efficiently within budget and the importance of making good/sound business decisions, and utilizing the talents of our employees
As a result, we recognize and understand the
- importance of making sound financial decisions
- needs and challenges employers address daily
- importance of training, maintaining and best utilizing employees
- exactly what employers need and want
What is accreditation?
Accreditation is a process that demonstrates a provider has met standards for the quality of its services. CARF International* establishes these standards to guide providers in offering their services and also uses the standards to evaluate how well a provider is serving people and how it can improve.
The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities is an independent, international organization with a focus on evaluating and ensuring our services to individuals with disabilities meet the highest standard with quality outcomes.
CARF certification is required to contract with Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to provide employment services. An accreditation award indicates an organization’s use of professionally approved standards and practices. A three year award is the highest certification available. Due to CQ's high quality review and outcomes, Career Quest is surveyed by CARF every three years.
*The CARF International family of organizations, including CARF, CARF Canada, and CARF-CCAC, is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services.
Founded in 1966 as the Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities, the accrediting body is known as CARF. – 1 (888) 281-6531