- Employer
- How we help employers
- "The Bottom Line"
- Examples
- Supported employment
- Customized employment
- Job coaching
- Worksites and Positions
Larry Keller, Facilities & Transportation Manager,“...It is a pleasure providing A+ rating for Career Quest and its staff. Service with a smile and outstanding provision of services is always provided. The care they provide my employee Ben is amazing!...”
Washington State Department of Ecology
For Employers
What employers say:
(Mark Sjolund, Manager, Dunn Lumber)
Career Quest works in partnership with employers to address their needs.
"...As a successful business, the Career Quest leadership understand first hand the challenges of running a business efficiently within budget, the importance of making good/sound business decisions, and utilizing the talents of our employees..."*
As a result, we recognize and understand the
- needs and challenges employers address daily
- importance of training, maintaining and best utilizing employees
- importance of making sound financial decisions
- exactly what employers need and want
For more details please see "How we Help Employers"- Read More
"...The organization maintains its leadership role in the employment sector of the community by designing and continually improving its services on the input … from employers in the local job market..."*
"...The provision of quality employment services requires a continuous focus on … the personnel needs of employers..."*
* The CARF Survey – Read more
"Nothing breaks down misconceptions or myths faster than personal contact with persons with disabilities. It’s been my experience that when individuals get a chance to put a face alongside the disability, that goes a long way in overcoming these fears and stereotypes. That’s probably the best remedy."1
Policy can only go so far in ensuring equal opportunities. It takes everyday people- executives, managers, human resources representatives, and coworkers to make positive changes. This may mean examining one’s own perceptions and making efforts to take advantage of available resources. Often, the changes needed to help level the playing field are much easier than people think.
Employment Facts
a simple accommodation provided by
Career Quest)

"Employers make accommodations everyday for persons with and without disabilities. In reality, you make an accommodation because the person you want to hire is the right match for the job."
Accommodations are often low cost and easy to implement. Larissa Timmerberg, Director of Workforce Development at NISH, a national non-profit that offers support to agencies participating in the Ability One Program, specifies, "There are accommodations that may not cost anything, such as a flexible workplace or work schedule. They may be as simple as adjusting the table or machinery so that it is at a level for the person to access it."
As a successful business, the Career Quest leadership understand first hand the challenges of running a business efficiently within budget, the importance of making good/sound business decisions, and utilizing the talents of our employees
As a result, we recognize and understand the
- importance of making sound financial decisions
- needs and challenges employers address daily
- importance of training, maintaining and best utilizing employees
- exactly what employers need and want
*Statistics and reports may vary based on disability definition(s) or economic conditions; however all research show similar disparity.
*Source: Barriers to employing persons to disabilities: Three common misconceptions. ny Paul Andrew and Bradley Contento, CARF International. 1st Oct, 2010
1Pat Steele, Director of Employment Services as Optima Life Services, Incorporated
2Valerie Steele, Vice President at the Kennedy Center, Incorporated