
My Success

"This job has touched my heart..."
Greg's first paycheck

CARF (accreditation)

  • “...Staff members have a strongly motivated commitment to placement with customized matches for each person served and have accomplished some life-changing outcomes, especially considering the unique challenges of the communities and the support needs of the individuals being placed...”

    The CARF Survey Report
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Job Seeker

Our mission:

To respectfully provide employment assistance services to persons with disabilities emphasizing choice, opportunity and community inclusion.

(Michael provides quality services)
Michael provides quality services
If you choose to work with Career Quest the following employment assistance services may be available:

Assistance with Determining Eligibility

for services with Vocational Rehabilitation, Developmental Disabilities, or other agencies

Exploration of Vocational Interests

develop employment goals & visit worksites, conduct informational interviews

Provide Employment Preparation

assistance with skills towards employment: improve self confidence and communication skills, develop your resume, prepare and practice for interviews, complete application packets, etc

Develop Employment Assessments

explore opportunities, gain work experience, new skills and letters of recommendation

Individualized Job Development

we contact employers: present your skills and abilities, analyze the worksite to match your skills and interests

Provide On-the-job Support

also known as job coaching to assist you in learning your job, and set-up your work station to best develop your strengths

Promote a Successful Transition

into your new job: assist with new employee orientation, communication with your supervisor & co-workers

Continue Long-term Support

for those who qualify for ongoing support: maintain contact with you and your employer, if appropriate. Provide additional training when needed

Provide Community Referrals

locate resources if needed, may include: transportation, living, financial assistance, counseling, advocacy...and more!