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  • “...It is a pleasure providing A+ rating for Career Quest and its staff. Service with a smile and outstanding provision of services is always provided. The care they provide my employee Ben is amazing!...”

    Larry Keller, Facilities & Transportation Manager,

    Washington State Department of Ecology

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CARF Inclusionwerks

welcome to career quest

Career Quest serves many customers: foremost our clients - individuals with disabilities, and equally our employers.

JB - City Job

What do employers say?:

What's New

  • Rockin Road to Work

    Transition Conference

    The Transition Conference is a free event designed to assist young adults prepare for Life After High School.

    Read More About Conference
  • Recent Hires - Congratulations! to:

    Chris! Providing Delivery Services via her electric scooter
    Michael! As a Maintenance Worker
    Denise! Destroying Confidential Documents
    Alicia! As a Clerical Assistant
    Diana! As a Lobby Assistant
    Rachel! Providing Document Destruction
    Sharon! As an Office Janitor
    Cameron! As a Warehouse Worker
    James! As a Provisions Loader
    Leroy! As a Stockman
    Mary! As an Office Janitor
    Rob! As a Ranch Hand
    Adam! As a Warehouse/Maintenance Worker
    Brenda! As a Teacher Assistant
    Nick! As a Maintenance Worker
    Johnny! As a Custodian

  • Special thanks to employers

    • who worked w/ CQ & restructured job duties
    • City of Olympia, Kirk’s Medical, Squaxin Island Childcare Center, Northcliff Place (Retirement Home)