- Job Seeker
- Employment preparation
- Employment preparation
- Supported employment
- Customized employment
- Job coaching
- Competitive employment
- Employment Program Description
- "How this Works"
- Funding Sources
- Individual Rights Policy
- What does Career Quest offer Job Seekers?
CARF (accreditation)
The CARF Survey Report“...Career Quest shows exemplary conformance in the area of confidential information. Polices are comprehensive, multi-level and followed by staff. The respect of the individuals’ need for confidentiality is taken very seriously by the organization and is part of the culture.
CARF-Accredited organizations protect and promote the rights of persons served; this commitment guides the delivery of services and ongoing interactions with the persons served.
Key Areas Addressed
Meaningful communication of rights, Commitment to diversity, Polices promote rights of persons served, Complaint, grievance, and appeals policy, Annual review of complaints...”
Individual Rights Policy
This policy is in accordance with WAC 275-27-640
As a participant in the Career Quest employment services program, you are entitled to individual rights. These include the following;
You have the right to be treated fairly, with respect and dignity.

All information pertaining to you will be held in confidence. Specifically, your personal information will be kept in a “confidential file”, locked in a file cabinet and on secured premises. Written approval by you, and/or your guardian, will be required for any release of any information, except as requested by Washington State, County or Federal mandates. You have the right to review your confidential file at any time. Upon written request, Career Quest will provide you, or your guardian, with copies of your records.
*Career Quest does not participate in, nor conduct, any form of research projects.

Career Quest strongly upholds every individual’s right to be treated fairly, regardless of disability, age, race, creed, color, national origin, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, except when in conflict with the provision of services. Career Quest further upholds these rights with regards to all organizational procedures.

There will be no tolerance of harassment, abuse, neglect, humiliation, exploitation or retaliation in the work or community environments associated with Career Quest. This includes innuendoes, requests, actions or suggestions indicating activities or favors that may somehow impact an individual’s participation in any aspect of the program. All participants will be free from physical, emotional and verbal abuse. Career Quest will not tolerate circumstances of neglect, including the inadequate provision of care or assistance in your life, which may be harmful to your wellbeing. Further, exploitation, including the misuse of your possessions, money (etc.), for the personal benefit of others will not be tolerated. This standard also holds true for employee relations with employers, vendors and other participants.

Career Quest will help you with any of these problems and assist you in notifying the appropriate persons or resources towards improving your situation.
Advocacy/Community Referrals
If needed, Career Quest staff will assist with or advocate on your behalf. If you feel that you need assistance please ask. We can also help you locate an advocate. Below is a list of other support agencies that may be beneficial to you.

For information on support groups, you can contact the Crisis Clinic at (360)586-2800 - 24 hours a day