Customized Employment

Piano entertainment...Includes the provision of all Supported Employment services with additional, specific 'tailoring' – customizing - to identify duties and maximize productivity:

  • During the development stage, Career Quest staff work with the employer to identify specific needs to assist with the work flow and productivity of the business/organization
  • Career Quest staff devote time to learn about the represented candidate; this includes: skills, interests and potential, as well as support needs
  • An individual’s strengths are “matched” – customized - to meet the employer's specific needs, and to
  • Maximize the new employee's job performance.
  • As a result, the employer:

    • Hires only to fulfill specific worksite/production needs, e.g. part-time which reduces expenses
    • Gains a new employee dedicated to their job and ‘customized’ responsibilities
    • And new employee are supported by a Job Coach